Tana-2015 Senior-CCHS ~ Chattanooga Family & Child Photographer

August 18, 2014

While we visited family in NW Indiana I had the opportunity to do a bunch of photo sessions.  Most of them were located in DeMotte, IN.  A small town, where we used to live and where my husband used to teach.  It's funny how such a small place can impact one's family.  Some of my dearest friends live there and no matter how many times we go to visit family, we always end up in DeMotte at one time or another to see friends or our church family there.  These people have a special place in our hearts.

Tana and her family went to church with us and she attends Covenant Christian High School where my husband used to teach.  She is a Senior this year.  We started off her session at a friend's house where we took shots by the grand piano.  (Special thanks to Karen H. for letting us come into her home and take shots by and even on her piano.  Karen, you're awesome...nuff said).  We then headed to Bass Lake, IN where Tana's family owns a cabin on the lake.  As we were driving there I kept looking into my rear view mirror and watching these dark clouds follow us.  I was really worried we might get poured on.  Thankfully the storm blew north of us and gave us some awesome skies for a backdrop.  And just when we didn't think we'd get a sunset, the sun peaked beneath the clouds to give us some of the most gorgeous light I've ever seen.  Check out a few pictures from her session below.